In this paper I argue that the search for explainable models and interpretable decisions in AI must be reformulated in terms of the broader project of offering a pragmatic and naturalistic account of understanding in AI. Intuitively, the purpose of providing an explanation of a model or a decision is to make it understandable to its stakeholders. But without a previous grasp of what it means to say that an agent understands a model or a decision, the explanatory strategies will lack a well-defined goal. Aside from providing a clearer objective for XAI, focusing on understanding also allows us to relax the factivity condition on explanation, which is impossible to fulfill in many machine learning models, and to focus instead on the pragmatic conditions that determine the best fit between a model and the methods and devices deployed to understand it. After an examination of the different types of understanding discussed in the philosophical and psychological literature, I conclude that interpretative or approximation models not only provide the best way to achieve the objectual understanding of a machine learning model, but are also a necessary condition to achieve post hoc interpretability. This conclusion is partly based on the shortcomings of the purely functionalist approach to post hoc interpretability that seems to be predominant in most recent literature.
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I will use decision as the general term to encompass outputs from AI models, such as predictions, categorizations, action selection, etc.
Needless to say, each of these differences has been the subject of great philosophical controversy. I am simply reporting some of the reasons that have been stated in the literature to motivate the analysis of understanding as an independent concept.
Here I will not evaluate the merits of this thesis in the philosophy of science. For a discussion, see the collection edited by De Regt et al. (2009).
More precisely, the explanans-statement and the explanandum-statement must be true. If one holds, following Lewis (1986) and Woodward (2003), that the relata of the explanation relation are particulars, i.e., things or events, the claim amounts to saying that the things or events occurring in both the explanans and the explanandum position exist or occur.
Salmon’s (1971) reference class rule, for example, requires the probabilistic (causal) context of a single event to be complete to avoid any epistemic relativity.
I am grateful to an anonymous reviewer for pointing this out.
The relaxation of the factivity condition is often defended in the context of objectual understanding, but it remains controversial in the case of understanding why. I return to this distinction in Sect. 4.
De Graaf and Malle (2017) have also emphasized the importance of these pragmatic factors: “The success of an explanation therefore depends on several critical audience factors—assumptions, knowledge, and interests that an audience has when decoding the explanation” (p. 19).
See Falcone and Castelfranchi (2001) for a critique of the use of decision theory to understand trust in virtual environments.
Philosophers of science are much more inclined to accept this view than epistemologists, who have fiercely resisted it. See, for example, Zagzebski (2001), Kvanvig (2003), Elgin (2004) and Pritchard (2014). I do not have space to discuss the issue here, but from the text it should be clear that I side with the epistemologists.
A direct understanding of a phenomenon would be factive, based on a literal description of the explanatory elements involved. It is in this sense that models offer an indirect path towards objective understanding.
In Allahyari and Lavesson (2011), 100 non-expert users were asked to compare the understandability of decision trees and rule lists. The former method was deemed more understandable. Freitas (2014) examines the pros and cons of decision trees, classification rules, decision tables, nearest neighbors, and Bayesian network classifiers with respect to their interpretability, and discusses how to improve the comprehensibility of classification models in general. More recently, Fürnkranz et al. (2018) performed an experiment with 390 participants to question the idea that the likeliness that a user will accept a logical model such as rule sets as an explanation for a decision is determined by the simplicity of the model. Lage et al. (2019) also explore the complexities of rule sets to find features that make them more interpretable, while Piltaver et al. (2016) undertake a similar analysis in the case of classification trees. Another important aspect of this empirical line of research is the study of cognitive biases in the understanding of interpretable models. Kliegr et al. (2018) study the possible effects of biases on symbolic machine learning models.
As noted in the Introduction, none of these methods is intrinsically interpretable.
A terminological clarification is in order. Mittelstadt et al. (2019) and other researchers in XAI use the phrase “contrastive explanations” to refer to counterfactuals. But these are two very different things. In philosophy, an explanation is contrastive if it answers the question “Why p rather than q?” instead of just “Why p?” In either case the explanation provided must be factual. To turn it into a counterfactual situation, the question must be changed to: “What changes in the world would have brought about q instead of p?” And the answer will be a hypothetical or counterfactual statement, not an explanation.
To be sure, there are many scenarios where both the owner and the user (but not the developer) of the model will be satisfied with its accurate decisions without feeling the need to have an objectual understand of it. Think of the books recommended by Amazon or the movies suggested by Netflix using the simple rule: “If you liked x, you might like y.” As I argued in Sect. 2, the relation between understanding and trust is always mediated by the interests, goals, resources, and degree of risk aversion of stakeholders. In these cases, the cost–benefit relation makes it unnecessary to make the additional effort of looking for mechanisms.
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Páez, A. The Pragmatic Turn in Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI). Minds & Machines 29, 441–459 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11023-019-09502-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11023-019-09502-w