The issue of Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry before the reader signals the end of my 4-year contract as Editor-in-Chief. However, given our good fortune at CMP, we have been asked to continue, and so we will. Going forward, my staff and I hope to do even better than we have over the last 4 years—during which time our “numbers” have gone up appreciably. In those years, CMP’s number of internet downloads has increased about 300 per cent per month. Most importantly, our contribution to the field of Medical Anthropology and Medical Social Science (within which we at CMP include Medical History) has greatly improved. CMP now has the highest Impact Factor of all health-related anthropology journals.

The development of a variegated format for articles (e.g., Opinions, Circumstantial Deliveries, Illness Narratives, Cultural Case Studies, as well as Articles) has found fertile ground; authors now submit papers in terms of the various categories. This more complex tableau of contents may have something to do with readers’ increased interest. And we are pleased to note that our submissions have increased significantly, allowing us to present pieces of increasing interest.

We hope to continue the success of CMP with, as in the past, the able assistance of the staff, especially Brandy Schillace, PhD (Managing Editor) and Stephanie McClure, MPH (Assistant Managing Editor), our Editorial Board and the many reviewers who have done such great and timely work. Without their assistance, we could not look forward, as we do, to an even more successful future for Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry.