Greeting the reader of this, the 34th Volume of Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, is a new cover, the third in as many years. The first change (Volume 32) from the traditional cover clothed our readings in images of western Biomedicine(s), while the second (Volume 33) reflected images from Asian medical traditions. Our new cover, also designed by CMP Managing Editor, Brandy Schillace, PhD, combines images from both medical categories—the Eastern and the Western—to give CMP a more internationalist visage.

A second feature of the first number of the 34th Volume is a new Quote of the Volume that follows one by E.E. Evans-Pritchard, who provided our first such quote. The new quote comes from Sigmund Freud. It is advanced to highlight the inclusion in the New CMP of medical humanities (history and philosophy of medicine, narrative and discourse analyses). It also calls attention to the importance of paying attention to insights deriving from domains external to the academy and Biomedicine.

Finally, CMP welcomes Kristi Ninneman, MA, to the editorial staff. She will be replacing Nadia Rose El-Shaarawi, M.Sc. who has left the Journal for long-term research in Cairo.