1 Correction to: Journal of Management and Governance https://doi.org/10.1007/s10997-022-09624-x

The original version of the article was published with errors in the text which have been corrected with this Correction as below:

In the Abstract, word spacing was missing in many occurrences. These have been corrected.

Throughout the article, the word ‘social wellbeing’ was changed to ‘social well-being’.

The sentence beginning ‘Parsons concluded that while the reports may…’should read as ‘Parsons concluded that while the reports may become more comparable to each other over time, adjusting ultimately to such standards which become a norm, paradoxically, they conceal as much as they reveal about firm behaviours.’

In the sentence beginning ‘We consider that the agreements, rules and procedures compelling…’ the reference citation ‘Galbraith 2007’ should be read as ‘Galbraith et al. 2007’.

The sentence beginning ‘Human communities are thus facing…’ should read as ‘Human communities are thus facing critical challenges requiring not only new conceptual thinking, but also new governance frameworks.’

The original article has been corrected.