Erratum to: Higher-Order Symb Comput (2011) 24:239–279

DOI  10.1007/s10990-012-9084-5

In the article “Continuation-Passing C, compiling threads to events through continuations” (Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation, 2011, DOI 10.1007/sl0990-012-9084-5) by G. Kerneis and J. Chroboczek, there are several typographical errors:

  • p. 260: the last line should be:

    figure a
  • p. 262: the first example in paragraph Lambda-lifting in imperative languages should be:

    figure b
  • p. 276: after the words “and, by Definition 9,” the formula should be:

    $$\bigl(f(a_1,\ldots,a_{n})\bigr)_{*} = f \bigl((a_1)_{*},\ldots,(a_{n})_{*}\bigr) . $$