1 Correction to: Lifetime Data Analysis (2020) 26:624–637 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10985-020-09493-2

The original version of this article unfortunately contains mistakes. It has been corrected with this Correction

1. Errors were made in the name of Chappell and reference resources in the abstract of the original publication of the article. The correct version of the author name and references resources are given below:

(i) On page 624, line 4: In the abstract, change “Pan and Chappel (JAMAStat Probab Lett 38:49–57, 1998a, Biometrics 54:1053–1060, 1998b)” to “Pan and Chappell (Lifetime Data Anal 4: 187–202, 1998b)”

(ii) On page 624, line 12: In the abstract, change “Turnbull’s (JAMA 38:290–295, 1976)” to “Turnbull’s (JRSS, Ser. B 38:290–295, 1976)”

2. One typing error was made in referring the article “Schick and Yu (2000)”. The correction is given below:

On page 626, line 14: Change “Shick and YuSchick and Yu (2000)” to “Schick and Yu (2000)”

3. Two typing errors were made on left-censoring notation \(\delta _{1i}\), which was mistyped as \(\delta _{i}\) in the original publication. The corrections are given below.

(i) On page 631, line 13: Change equation

$$\begin{aligned} \hat{L}_n^{*}(S)=\prod _{i:\delta _i=1}^{n}{{S(\hat{L}_i-)-S(R_i)}\over {S(V_i-)}}\times \prod _{i:\delta _{i}\ne 1}^{n}{{S(L_i)-S(R_i)}\over {S(V_i-)}}, \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} \hat{L}_n^{*}(S)=\prod _{i:\delta _{i1}=1}^{n}{{S(\hat{L}_i-)-S(R_i)}\over {S(V_i-)}}\times \prod _{i:\delta _{i1}\ne 1}^{n}{{S(L_i)-S(R_i)}\over {S(V_i-)}}, \end{aligned}$$

(ii) On page 631, line 18: Change “\(\hat{\mathcal{L}}=\{L_i:\delta _i\ne 1;i=1,\dots ,n\}\cup \{\hat{L}_i:\delta _i=1;i=1,\dots ,n\}\)” to “\(\hat{\mathcal{L}}=\{L_i:\delta _{i1}\ne 1;i=1,\dots ,n\}\cup \{\hat{L}_i:\delta _{i1}=1;i=1,\dots ,n\}\)”.