The probability that all eigenvalues of a product of m independent \(N \times N\) subblocks of a Haar distributed random real orthogonal matrix of size \((L_i+N) \times (L_i+N)\), \((i=1,\dots ,m)\) are real is calculated as a multidimensional integral, and as a determinant. Both involve Meijer G-functions. Evaluation formulae of the latter, based on a recursive scheme, allow it to be proved that for any m and with each \(L_i\) even the probability is a rational number. The formulae furthermore provide for explicit computation in small order cases.
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The work of PJF was supported by the Australian Research Council through Grant DP14102613.
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Forrester, P.J., Kumar, S. The Probability That All Eigenvalues are Real for Products of Truncated Real Orthogonal Random Matrices. J Theor Probab 31, 2056–2071 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10959-017-0766-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10959-017-0766-0
- Random matrix products
- Truncated orthogonal matrices
- Probability of real eigenvalues
- Meijer G-functions
- Arithmetic structures