This article was inadvertently published twice Journal of Statistical Physics in this journal. The following should be considered the version of record and used for citation purposes: “Sumedha and Deepak Dhar, Efficiency of the Incomplete Enumeration Algorithm for Monte-Carlo Simulation of Linear and Branched Polymers, Journal of Statistical Physics, Volume 120, Issue 1/2, pages 71–100,”. The duplicate “Sumedha and Deepak Dhar, Efficiency of the Incomplete Enumeration Algorithm for Monte-Carlo Simulation of Linear and Branched Polymers, Journal of Statistical Physics, Volume 190, Issue Supplement 1, pages 1–30,” should be ignored. Bruno Nachtergaele, Yariv Kafri, Giulio Biroli, Abhishek Dhar, Alessandro Giuliani, Hal Tasaki | Springer Nature apologizes to the readers of the journal for not detecting the duplication during the publication process.