Irrespective of the nature of the modeled conservation laws, we establish first the microscopic interface continuity conditions for Lattice Boltzmann (LB) multiple-relaxation time, link-wise collision operators with discontinuous components (equilibrium functions and/or relaxation parameters). Effective macroscopic continuity conditions are derived for a planar implicit interface between two immiscible fluids, described by the simple two phase hydrodynamic model, and for an implicit interface boundary between two heterogeneous and anisotropic, variably saturated soils, described by Richard’s equation. Comparing the effective macroscopic conditions to the physical ones, we show that the range of the accessible parameters is restricted, e.g. a variation of fluid densities or a heterogeneity of the anisotropic soil properties. When the interface is explicitly tracked, the interface collision components are derived from the leading order continuity conditions. Among particular interface solutions, a harmonic mean value is found to be an exact LB solution, both for the interface kinematic viscosity and for the interface vertical hydraulic conductivity function. We construct simple problems with the explicit and implicit interfaces, matched exactly by the LB hydrodynamic and/or advection-diffusion schemes with the aid of special solutions for free collision parameters.
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Ginzburg, I. Lattice Boltzmann modeling with discontinuous collision components: Hydrodynamic and Advection-Diffusion Equations. J Stat Phys 126, 157–206 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10955-006-9234-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10955-006-9234-4