In a recent paper appearing in This Journal Tang and coworkers [1] reported the solubility of cefpiramide in five neat mono-solvents (water, ethanol, 1-propanol, 1-butanol and 2-propanol) and in two binary aqueous–organic solvent mixtures. The two organic solvents are ethanol and 2-propanol. Solubilities were measured at six temperatures from 278.2 to 303.2 K using a spectroscopic method of chemical analysis. The authors used the combined Jouyban–Acree and Modified Apelblat models:

$$ \ln (x_{\text{A}} )_{m,T} = A_{1} + \frac{{A_{2} }}{T} + A_{3} \ln T + A_{4} x_{\text{B}}^{0} + A_{5} \frac{{x_{\text{B}}^{0} }}{T} + A_{6} \frac{{(x_{\text{B}}^{0} )^{2} }}{T} + A_{7} \frac{{(x_{\text{B}}^{0} )^{3} }}{T} + A_{8} \frac{{(x_{\text{B}}^{0} )^{4} }}{T} + A{}_{9}x_{\text{B}}^{0} \ln T $$

to describe how the measured mole fraction solubility of cefpiramide, (xA)m,T, varied with both temperature, T, and initial mole fraction composition of the binary solvent mixture, \( x_{\text{B}}^{0} \). The curve-fit equation coefficients, A i , were determined by regressing the experimental mole fraction solubility data in accordance with Eq. 1. The authors tabulated the calculated curve-fit equation coefficients in Table 8 of their published paper [1]. Only the statistically significant coefficients were tabulated. The authors stated in the manuscript that Eqs. 2 and 3 below (Eqs. 15 and 16 in the published paper):

$$ \ln (x_{\text{A}} )_{m,T} = A_{1} + A_{3} x_{\text{B}}^{0} + A_{5} \frac{{(x_{\text{B}}^{0} )^{2} }}{T} + A_{7} \frac{{(x_{\text{B}}^{0} )^{3} }}{T} + A_{8} \frac{{(x_{\text{B}}^{0} )^{4} }}{T} $$
$$ \ln (x_{\text{A}} )_{m,T} = A_{1} + A_{3} x_{\text{B}}^{0} + A_{5} \frac{{x_{\text{B}}^{0} }}{T} + A_{6} \frac{{(x_{\text{B}}^{0} )^{2} }}{T} + A_{7} \frac{{(x_{\text{B}}^{0} )^{3} }}{T} + A_{8} \frac{{(x_{\text{B}}^{0} )^{4} }}{T} + A{}_{9}x_{\text{B}}^{0} \ln T $$

were the final equations for predicting the solubility of cefpiramide in binary aqueous–ethanol and aqueous–2-propanol solvent mixtures in the solvent mole fraction composition range from \( x_{\text{B}}^{0} = 0.0 \) to \( x_{\text{B}}^{0} = 0.9 \), respectively.

The purpose of this commentary is to alert journal readers to several errors in the authors’ mathematical correlations. Careful examination of Eqs. 13 reveals that the curve-fit equation coefficients are identified differently in Eq. 1 than in Eqs. 2 and 3. The A3 equation coefficient in Eq. 1 corresponds to the coefficient in the A3 ln T term, whereas in Eqs. 2 and 3 the A3 coefficient corresponds to the \( A_{3} x_{\text{B}}^{0} \) term. There is a similar problem with the A5 coefficient in Eqs. 1 and 2. The change in symbolism can lead to confusion when it comes to substituting the numerical values for the equation coefficients. For example, in Table 7 of the published paper [1] the authors gave numerical values of A1 = −93.252, A3 = 13.927, A5 = 3559.445, A7 = 10448.710 and A8 = 8314.726 as the coefficients for binary aqueous–ethanol solvent mixture. Does one substitute the numerical values into Eq. 1 to give:

$$ \ln (x_{A} )_{m,T} = - 93.252 + 13.927\ln T + 3559.445\frac{{x_{\text{B}}^{0} }}{T} + 10448.710\frac{{(x_{\text{B}}^{0} )^{3} }}{T} + 8314.726\frac{{(x_{\text{B}}^{0} )^{4} }}{T} $$

or does one substitute the numerical values into Eq. 2 to yield:

$$ \ln (x_{A} )_{m,T} = - 93.252 + 13.927x_{\text{B}}^{0} + 3559.445\frac{{(x_{\text{B}}^{0} )^{2} }}{T} + 10448.710\frac{{(x_{\text{B}}^{0} )^{3} }}{T} + 8314.726\frac{{(x_{\text{B}}^{0} )^{4} }}{T} $$

What I have done is to calculate the solubility of cefpiramide for the binary aqueous–ethanol solvent system at T = 298.2 K using both Eqs. 4 and 5. The results of my calculations are summarized in the third and fourth columns of Table 1 of this commentary, along with the calculated values that the authors gave in Table 1 of their published paper for water and for the five binary solvent compositions studied. According to the headings in Table 3 of the published paper [1], the authors’ calculated values are presumably based on Eq. 5 (which would be Eq. 15 in the published paper with the coefficients inserted). Careful examination of the numerical entries in the last three columns of Table 1 reveals that neither Eq. 4 nor Eq. 5 reproduce the authors’ calculated values. In the case of Eq. 5 the calculated mole fraction solubility of cefpiramide would be the same at all six temperatures for \( x_{\text{B}}^{0} = 0.0 \) as only the first term would contribute to the calculation. The remaining four terms would equal zero at \( x_{\text{B}}^{0} = 0.0 \). Equation 4 on the other hand gives a calculated value of \( 10^{6} \times \,(x_{\text{A}} )_{m,T}^{\text{calc}} \) close to the value reported by the authors for \( x_{\text{B}}^{0} = 0.0 \); however, calculated values at the larger mole fractions of solvent component B exceed unity. Mole fraction compositions cannot exceed unity. There are clearly problems with the A i equation coefficients given in the paper by Tang and coworkers [1] for the aqueous–ethanol solvent system. I suspect that one of the authors’ tabulated equation coefficients (perhaps the A7 coefficient) is missing a negative sign.

Table 1 Comparison between the experimental mole fraction solubilities of cifpiramide, \( \,(x_{\text{A}} )_{m,T}^{{}} \), calculated values reported by Tang and coworkers [1], and calculated values based on Eqs. 4 and 5

There is also an error in the symbolism associated with the equation coefficients for the binary aqueous–2-propanol solvent mixture reported in reference 1. The numerical value for the A3 coefficient should pertain to the A3 ln T term, and not the \( A_{3} x_{\text{B}}^{0} \) term as implied by Eq. 16 in the authors’ published paper [1]. If the A3 coefficient were to apply to the \( A_{3} x_{\text{B}}^{0} \) term then the calculation would yield ln (xA)m,T = − 89.733 at \( x_{\text{B}}^{0} = 0.0 \), which would correspond to an aqueous mole fraction solubility of (xA)m,T = 1.07 × 10−39 for all six temperatures studied. The authors’ calculated value for T = 298.2 K is much larger, e.g., \( 10^{6} \times \,(x_{\text{A}} )_{m,T}^{\text{calc,authors}} = 0.9568 \). As an informational note, the authors’ tabulated coefficients (using A3 for the A3 ln T term) for the binary aqueous–2-propanol system are much better at reproducing the calculated mole fraction solubilities at T = 298.2 K reported in Table 4 of the published paper. I only checked only the calculations for T = 298.2 K.