We study the nature of energy bursts that appeared in the frequency range 3–5 Hz in ambient seismic noise recorded in the Grenoble basin (French Alps) during a seismological array experiment. A close agreement is found between the identified azimuths of such noise bursts with the location of an industrial chimney. In-situ measurements of the chimney dynamic characteristics show a coincidence between the frequency of the first harmonic mode of the chimney and the fundamental frequency of a thin surficial layer that overlay the deep sediment fill. The interaction between the chimney and the surficial layer is then numerically simulated using simple impedance models and two soil profiles. Simulations exhibit a satisfactory agreement with observations and suggest that energy bursts result of inertial structure-soil interaction favored by resonance effects between the first harmonic mode of the structure and the fundamental frequency of the topmost layer.
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Cornou, C., Guéguen, P., Bard, PY. et al. Ambient noise energy bursts observation and modeling: Trapping of harmonic structure-soil induced–waves in a topmost sedimentary layer. J Seismol 8, 507–524 (2004). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10950-004-1980-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10950-004-1980-7