This note is published simultaneously in SISC, JSC and JCP by the three editors-in-chief.

Reproducibility, that is, the ability to reproduce results obtained by others, is a core principle of the scientific method. In a concerted effort to enhance reproducibility in the area of scientific computing research, three of the leading journals in the scientific computing field will now invite authors, as part of the article submission process, to make the code and data publicly available that allow the results of their paper to be reproduced.

At article submission, the SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC), the Journal of Scientific Computing (JSC), and the Journal of Computational Physics (JCP) encourage authors to provide a link to their code and data files hosted in either a public git repository (e.g., on GitHub or Bitbucket), an open repository with DOI identification such as Zenodo or Mendeley Data, or journal supplementary materials.

At JCP and JSC, the link pointing to the code and data will be published prominently together with the paper. At SISC, authors may request a “SISC Reproducibility Badge: code and data available” which will be published with the paper as a recognition that the paper follows reproducibility principles.

While we acknowledge that it is not always possible for authors to make their code and data available, there are many good reasons to encourage authors to do so, including enhanced visibility and adoption of their work by the research community. We hope sincerely that many authors will take advantage of these new options to enhance and highlight the reproducibility of their scientific computing publications.