Correction to: Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia (2018) 23:237–248

Fig. 3
figure 1

Global gene expression analysis in engineered DCIS.COM cells.a Summary of gene expression changes found by microarray analysis of the DCIS.COM cell lines after a 24-h hormone treatment. The Illumina HumanHT-12 v4.0 Gene Expression Beachchip Assay was used. Genes were selected based on the criteria of a fold-change greater than 1.25 with a p value of less than 0.05. The patterned areas indicate commonly regulated genes, with the solid color showing genes uniquely expressed in that cell line. b Dendrogram integrating our gene expression profiling of ER+/PR+ DCIS.COM cells with a public specimen cohort of patient DCIS and tumor samples (normal-like, basal, HER2-enriched, and luminal subtypes)

The original version of this article unfortunately contained mistakes.

1) Middle initials for “Sandra Grimm” and “Adriana Visbal” were missing. Kindly see above author group for their complete names.

2) In Fig. 3, two figures embedded into one. Below is the correct Fig. 3.