This study examines whether male-to-female IPV victimization is associated with the relational maintenance efforts that women undertake in relationships in which their partner is incarcerated.
Multinomial logistic regression models were used to analyze patterns of phone calls, sending mail, and visitation among 1001 women experiencing partner incarceration. Within-group models by race for Black and White women were examined in recognition that shared historical oppression or trauma and related factors may shape survivors’ behavior.
Findings suggest that IPV victimization (physical violence, emotional violence, or being made to feel inadequate by their partner) during the months before their partner’s incarceration has little impact on women’s relational maintenance efforts for either Black or White women. Barriers to communication, including the high cost of calls and visits, were better predictors of behavior.
This study provides critical insight into women’s behavior after victimization and during a volatile time for families– when a partner and coparent to shared children is in prison. It reinforces the need for carceral facilities to adopt and implement violence prevention and family-strengthening programming, while also reducing high costs and other barriers that may prevent family involvement.
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Durante, K.A., Morczek, A.L. Intimate Partner Violence and Relational Maintenance During Incarceration. J Fam Viol (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10896-024-00715-x
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10896-024-00715-x