Author Correction: Journal of Chemical Ecology.

The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake. In the Methods section “Transcriptome Assembly and Quality Control”, the sentence: “With the exception of read orientation being specified as “RF”, default settings were used for assembly including in silico read depth normalization which removed reads with coverage >200.” should read as, “With the exception of read orientation being specified as “RF” and minimum contig length set to 300 bp instead of 200 bp, default settings were used for assembly. This includes in silico read depth normalization which removed reads with coverage >200.”

In the Methods section “Phylogenetic Reconstruction of Metazoan MTHFD Gene Family”, the sentence: “Phylogenetic model selection was performed with ModelFinder as part of the IQ-Tree package (v1.6.12), which recovered LG + R6 as the best-fit model of the 542 tested (Kalyaanamoorthy et al. 2017; Nguyen et al. 2015).” should read as, “Phylogenetic model selection was performed with ModelFinder as part of the IQ-Tree package (v1.6.12), which recovered LG + I + G4 as the best-fit model of those tested (Kalyaanamoorthy et al. 2017; Nguyen et al. 2015).”

The occurrences of the phrases “black and white should be used for these figures” and “colors should be used for this/these figure(s)” in the figure descriptions were originally intended as notes to the editorial staff. Their inclusion in the final article was unintentional.

The original article has been corrected.