In the wake of recent, highly publicized examples of anti-Black racism, scholars and practitioners are seeking ways to use their skills, resources, and platforms to better understand and address this phenomenon. Naming, examining, and countering anti-Black racism are critical steps toward fostering antiracist science and practice. To support those efforts, this paper details key insights from past research on anti-Black racism in organizations, draws from critical race perspectives to highlight specific topics that warrant consideration in future research, and offers considerations for how scholars should approach anti-Black racism research. Future research ideas include: specific manifestations of anti-Black racism within organizations, the double-bind of authenticity for Black employees, intersectionality among Black employees, and means of redressing anti-Black racism in organizations. Suggested research considerations include: understanding the history of anti-Black racism within research and integrating anti-Black racism research insights across organizational science. Research insights, ideas, and considerations are outlined to provide context for past and current experiences and guidance for future scholarship concerning anti-Black racism in organizations.
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These four areas are offered as an initial starting point to integrating a critical race perspective in the organizational sciences. They are illustrative but far from exhaustive, as both CRP and CRT have several additional tenants.
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King, D.D., Hall, A.V., Johnson, L. et al. Research on Anti-Black Racism in Organizations: Insights, Ideas, and Considerations. J Bus Psychol 38, 145–162 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10869-022-09804-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10869-022-09804-4