Daily self-weighing has been suggested as an important factor for weight loss maintenance among samples with obesity. This study is a secondary analysis that examined daily self-weighing in association with weight and body composition outcomes over 2 years among young women with vulnerability for weight gain. Women (N = 294) of varying weight status completed self-weighing frequency questionnaires and weight was measured in the clinic at baseline, 6 months, 1, and 2 years; DXA scans were completed at baseline, 6 months and 2 years. Multilevel models examined the relationship between daily self-weighing (at any point in the study) and trajectories of BMI and body fat percentage. Daily self-weighing was associated with significant declines in BMI and body fat percent over time. Future research is needed to examine causal relations between daily self-weighing and weight gain prevention. Nonetheless, these data extend the possibility that daily self-weighing may be important for prevention of unwanted weight gain.
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This study was funded by NIH RO1 DK072982.
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Rosenbaum, D.L., Espel, H.M., Butryn, M.L. et al. Daily self-weighing and weight gain prevention: a longitudinal study of college-aged women. J Behav Med 40, 846–853 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10865-017-9870-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10865-017-9870-y