An experimental investigation of the effectiveness of two types of feedback on college students’ acquisition of behavioral observation skills was conducted. Special education and psychology students completed two training assignments involving behavioral observations of students engaging in problem behavior. Depending on the condition to which they were randomly assigned, participants experienced either teacher or self-evaluation/self-reflection feedback immediately after each assignment was completed. Participants in the teacher feedback condition scored higher on the post-training assignments and viewed it more positively than those in the self-evaluation/self-reflection condition. Additional research is needed to identify the relevant variables contributing to effective teacher feedback since it is a frequent component of instructional situations.
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Appendix 1
Example of one of two answer keys used by the teacher to provide feedback in the teacher condition and given to the participant in the self-evaluation/self-reflection condition.
Video 1: Shane Answer Key
Construct a behavioral definition of Shane’s non-compliance behavior. (1 point)
Shane’s non-compliance behavior: any episode of not correctly responding to a teacher delivered request within 3 s; not answering teacher question within 3 s
One episode is non-compliance to each instruction or request by the teacher, even if it is presented repeatedly, counts as an occurrence.
Indicate the aspect of behavior to measure. (0.5 point)
Frequency of the non-compliance behavior: how many times Shane showed the non-compliance behavior described above.
Detail the measurement system you plan to use to record the behavior and state why you selected it. (0.5 point)
Continuous recording–frequency recording method, since the behavior is discrete, at low rate, and within a short duration.
Observe and record the behavior independently. (1 point)
Shane showed 11 times of non-compliance behavior during the observation.
Teacher—“Take out your math books. Turn to page 47 please. Look at problem number 1”
Everyone takes out their math book except Shane. He continues to doodle on paper
Teacher—“Shane, would you take out your math book and turn to page 47?”
Teacher—“Shane, would you take out your math book and turn to page 47?”
Shane slams math book on his test but does not open it. Continues doodling
Teacher—“Shane, would you work that problem for me?”
Teacher—“Shane, would you work that problem for me?”
Shane ignores the teacher
Teacher—“Nice work. Problem two. Shane?”
Shane (in a very upset tone)—“I don’t even know what page we are on!”
Teacher—“We are on page 47. Why don’t you have a seat in the back of the room?”
Teacher—“We are on page 47. Why don’t you have a seat in the back of the room?”
Shane loudly moves to the back of the room with just his doodle paper
Teacher—“With your math book.”
Teacher—“With your math book.”
Shane loudly gets his math book and slams it on the desk
Teacher—“Who would like to work problem two?”
Girl volunteers and goes to the board. Shane watches
Teacher—“Is that correct, Shane?”
Shane immediately puts his head down and ignores the question
Teacher—“Shane, is that correct? HEY, we are not going to go on until you answer me! Is it correct?”
Teacher—“Shane, is that correct? HEY, we are not going to go on until you answer me! Is it correct?”
Shane ignores him
Teacher takes Shane’s pencil
Teacher takes Shane’s pencil
Shane—“I’m not playing your stupid game!” Shane gets up and knocks the desk over
Teacher—“Excuse me! I need you to have a seat!” Teacher grabs Shane’s arm
Teacher—“Excuse me! I need you to have a seat!” Teacher grabs Shane’s arm
Shane pulls away and goes toward the door
Teacher—“SHANE! Don’t walk away from me! Shane!”
Shane leaves
Calculate an appropriate Interobserver Reliability (IOR) score. (0.5 point)
$${\text{IOR}} = {\text{smaller}}\,{\text{number}}/{\text{larger}}\,{\text{number}} \times 100$$$$10/11 \times 100 = 90.91\%$$ -
Evaluate the adequacy of the IOR score based on your data. (0.5 point)
If the IOR >/= 80%, it is acceptable.
If the IOR score is inadequate, then state why and redo. (0.5 point)
Poor definition; poor training, motivation; observer drift
State why Shane’s non-compliance behavior is occurring and explain why you think so. (0.5 point)
Negative reinforcement or escape conditioning, since tasks are removed following demands.
Also accept positive reinforcement if recognition of how the teacher provided immediate reaction to his non-compliance.
Appendix 2
Self-Reflection Questions
Please review the answer keys, summarize your performance in a deliberate and thoughtful manner, and answer the following questions to self-reflect your performance in order to guide your future learning. Areas for future improvement need to be considered.
Based on the results of the assignment, what did you do well?
What skills do you still need to develop?
What have you learned during the process of this assignment which may contribute to your professional growth?
Based on what you know and can do, how will you apply this self-reflection to guide your improvement in the specific area(s)?
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Desrochers, M., Zhang, J., Caron, S. et al. An Experimental Comparison of the Effect of Teacher Versus Self-Evaluation/Self-Reflection Feedback on College Students’ Behavioral Observation Skills. J Behav Educ 28, 258–274 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10864-018-09313-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10864-018-09313-6