The current study represents the further development and validation of an expanded version of the Inferential Confusion Questionnaire (ICQ-EV) in non-clinical and clinical samples. Inferential confusion seems to be particularly relevant to Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and is defined as a failure to recognize the unrealistic nature of obsessions due to a subjective form of reasoning. Factor analysis of the item-set of the ICQ-EV indicated a one-dimensional solution in non-clinical and clinical samples. It was hypothesized that inferential confusion as measured by the ICQ-EV would be particularly relevant to participants with OCD. Results confirmed convergent validity with strong relationships between the ICQ-EV and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in all samples independent of other cognitive domains and general distress. In addition, those with OCD scored higher on the ICQ-EV than non-clinical controls and a mixed anxiety disorder group so confirming group-criterion validity. Finally, the ICQ-EV also showed clinical validity with change in ICQ-EV scores during treatment significantly related to successful treatment outcome.
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The study was supported with a Fellowship Award from the Fond the la Recherche en Santé Quebec (FRSQ) and Grant No. MOP67059 from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).
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Inferential Confusion Questionnaire—Expanded Version
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Aardema, F., Wu, K.D., Careau, Y. et al. The Expanded Version of the Inferential Confusion Questionnaire: Further Development and Validation in Clinical and Non-Clinical Samples. J Psychopathol Behav Assess 32, 448–462 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10862-009-9157-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10862-009-9157-x