Examining teachers’ knowledge on a large scale involves addressing substantial measurement and logistical issues; thus, existing teacher knowledge assessments have mainly consisted of selected-response items because of their ease of scoring. Although open-ended responses could capture a more complex understanding of and provide further insights into teachers’ thinking, scoring these responses is expensive and time consuming, which limits their use in large-scale studies. In this study, we investigated whether a novel statistical approach, topic modeling, could be used to score teachers’ open-ended responses and if so, whether these scores would capture nuances of teachers’ understanding. To test this hypothesis, we used topic modeling to analyze teachers’ responses to a proportional reasoning task and examined the associations of the topics identified through this method with categories identified by a separate qualitative analysis of the same data as well as teachers’ performance on a measure of ratios and proportional relationships. Our findings suggest that topic modeling seemed to capture nuances of teachers’ responses and that such nuances differentiated teachers’ performance on the same concept. We discuss the implications of this study for education research.
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Ratios and proportional relationships assessment
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A photograph is enlarged to make a poster. The photograph is 10 cm wide and 16 cm high The poster is 25 cm wide, how high is the poster? Explain your answer If 6 ml of paint was needed for the original photograph, how much paint will be needed for the enlarged photo? Explain your answer | |
Raymond wanted to know the cost of buying different numbers of songs for his MP3 player. The cost of each song is the same. Let s represent the possible number of songs Raymond could buy Let d represent the amount of money, in dollars, Raymond would need to buy the songs. Fill in the table for all missing values of s and d | |
Number of songs s | Amount of money ($) d |
2 | 2.50 |
5.00 | |
7 | |
22.50 | |
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Copur-Gencturk, Y., Choi, HJ. & Cohen, A. Investigating teachers’ understanding through topic modeling: a promising approach to studying teachers’ knowledge. J Math Teacher Educ 26, 281–302 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10857-021-09529-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10857-021-09529-w