The aim or goal of science has long been discussed by both philosophers of science and scientists themselves. In The Scientific Image (van Fraassen 1980), the aim of science is famously employed to characterize scientific realism and a version of anti-realism, called constructive empiricism. Since the publication of The Scientific Image, however, various changes have occurred in scientific practice. The increasing use of machine learning technology, especially deep learning (DL), is probably one of the major changes in the last decade. This paper aims to explore the implications of DL-aided research for the aim of science debate. I argue that, while the emerging DL-aided research is unlikely to change the state of classic opposition between constructive empiricism and scientific realism, it could offer interesting cases regarding the opposition between those who espouse truth as the aim of science and those oriented to understanding (of the kind that sacrifices truth).
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Hooker and Hooker (2018) discuss the possible limitations of DL-aided (or, more generally, machine-learning-aided) research and suspect that the necessity of finite rounding off in computational methods might make DL models unsuitable for studying those systems that are sensitive to slight differences in the state or for performing tasks that involve small constants (e.g., theory unification where constants such as 1/c or h play a key role) (Hooker and Hooker 2018, 179–180). While this shortcoming may provide a putative reason that scientists should stick to conventional approaches in these kinds of research, this is more like a prescriptive issue than the interpretative one introduced above. This paper focuses on the latter, interpretative issue and aims to discuss the implications of DL-aided scientific research for the meta-hypotheses regarding the aim of science.
It should be noted that Resnik’s (1993) primary concern is not the aim of science discourse in relation to the scientific realism debate in particular. Rowbottom (2014), on the other hand, does discuss various possible interpretations of van Fraassen’s claims and metaphors on ‘the aim of science’ or ‘success’. However, he does not explicitly discuss the rational accountability of research practices. He seems to touch on the issue in a footnote where he mentions Otávio Bueno’s suggestion that van Fraassen’s thesis “might be best understood as concerning what’s constitutive of science” (Rowbottom 2014, 1219, n.14; original emphasis). I take it that “what’s constitutive of science” here means ‘what kind of commitment (to the aim or evaluation of accepted theories) is involved in scientific research practice’. Rowbottom responds that he “need not deny this” (Rowbottom 2014, 1219, n.14) and that such an interpretation could also be accommodated in the four theses on science that he proposes. Then, I assume that the types of analyses conducted in this paper would also be compatible with his framework. The interpretation of the aim of science as the constitutive goal of science is also defended by Bird (2022).
I also suspect that it is only because the whole research context is absent in Resnik’s picture (e.g., the problem at hand, relevant background knowledge and its epistemic status, available methods, worldview, etc.) that the purpose of the research appears irrelevant to scientific practice. Once the context is considered, the issue of whether the aim of the activity and the epistemic status of accepted theories have no bearing on scientific practice is not trivial. Indeed, this is why van Fraassen (1980) devotes a whole chapter to illustrating how various research practices are compatible with constructive empiricism. The accountability of scientific practice thus deserves consideration.
However, in Sect. 6, I discuss whether these views can be further differentiated in light of DL-aided research.
However, I am not committed to the categorization of particular positions to one of these camps.
See, e.g., Google’s course material for developers (https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/classification/roc-and-auc, accessed Oct 29th, 2022).
According to van Fraassen’s informal definition, “a theory is empirically adequate exactly if what it says about the observable things and events in this world is true—exactly if it ‘saves’ the phenomena” (van Fraassen 1980, 12).
In this respect, realists typically hold that the empirical adequacy of a theory is best explained by its approximate truth (at least in relevant aspects); thus, the oppositional scheme that contrasts commitment to the empirical adequacy of a theory and its truth may not make much sense to these realists. However, this is one of the points of controversy, and anti-realists have submitted alternative explanations for success (e.g., Kukla 1996; Bueno 1999; Stanford 2001; Lyons 2003). Realists who prefer the localist approach also eschew sweeping inference from empirical success to approximate truth. As I take a neutral position in this paper, and as our focus is on the axiological issue, I will put this point aside for now.
A variant of this method, called stochastic gradient descent, is more commonly used in deep learning studies. There are other variants, too, but their basic purpose is the same, i.e., to adjust the weights to minimize the loss function.
For example, a convolutional neural network (CNN) is widely used in image recognition tasks. It has additional types of layers, called convolutional layers and pooling layers, which process the information transmitted from the preceding layer in a different way.
More precise characterizations of the blackboxness or opacity of DL models or other computational methods are suggested in the literature, typically as the deficiency of various types of transparency (See, e.g., Creel 2020; Duede forthcoming; Humphreys 2009; Lipton 2018; Leslie 2019; Zerilli 2022). To follow the taxonomy that Zerilli (2022) develops based on Lipton (2018) and Leslie (2019), the blackboxness that I have in mind in this paper is the lack of semantic explanation, i.e., “an interpretation of the functions of the individual parts of the algorithmic system in the generation of its output” (Leslie 2019, 41–42).
AUC (area under the (ROC) curve) is one of the commonly used evaluation measures for classification models. It takes values of [0, 1]. Intuitively, AUC = 1 means that the model classified the test samples perfectly, while AUC = 0 means the opposite (i.e., classified in a completely wrong manner), and AUC = 0.5 means that the performance was no better than that achieved by chance.
Of course, Giere criticizes such an account as ‘ad hoc’ and ‘vacuous’. My point here is only to show how, whether persuasive to realists or not, the constructive empiricists’ strategy is applicable when theoretical considerations precede empirical testing.
I suspect that this point holds even in the case of highly idealized models; in these cases, the intended explanandum is highly restricted (e.g., to the qualitative aspect of the system) or highly abstract (i.e., without intended to be applied to particular systems).
For more detail, see, e.g., https://www.kaggle.com/alexisbcook/data-leakage (Accessed July 25, 2021).
Morreno-Torres et al. (2012) provides more formal definitions of the various types of dataset shifts.
More generally, Zednik and Boelsen (2020) discuss the exploratory role of ML and identify three ways in which various interpretation methods could contribute to hypothesis formation, i.e., hypotheses about previously unknown regularities, causal relations and algorithms behind the behavior of certain computational systems (such as brains).
As I have employed a bottom-up approach, I do not pretend that this analysis is generally applicable. Nonetheless, I believe that these observations would hold in other DL-aided studies as well, insofar as they share the same features as those discussed here. Thus, they would serve at least as a first approximation, subject to examination or revision in future case studies, taking into account the idiosyncrasies of each discipline.
There is a more recent version of instrumentalism, called cognitive instrumentalism (Rowbottom 2011), which advises us to take only some types of theoretical discourse literally (e.g., those associated with observable properties or those using analogies with observable systems). Again, like a-ontological instrumentalism, this view concerns the interpretation of theoretical discourse rather than the aim of science. In addition, as mentioned in Sect. 2, the author is skeptical about the usefulness of discussing the aim of science. However, speculating on what cognitive instrumentalists would say about the aim of science, they are likely to hold a view similar to that of the conceptual instrumentalists, if they hold that the theoretical discourses that they take literally are in some way more desirable than other theoretical discourses.
Eamon Duede (forthcoming) argues that interpretability is required mainly in the context of justification (i.e., when the outputs of a DL model are claimed to be new scientific knowledge), and that even uninterpreted DL models can contribute to scientific research in the context of discovery.
Recently, Zerilli (2022) argues that if we take what Daniel Dennet calls an intentional stance toward ML systems (i.e., if we regard them as rational agents with certain beliefs and aims), loss of faithfulness to the system’s exact behavior does not necessarily hinder the interpretation from providing justification for the system’s decision. However, he mainly discusses the deployment of ML systems in societal contexts, such as an estimation of an offender’s recidivism risk. It remains to be discussed whether the same point applies to ML-aided scientific research, especially in the context of justification. Sullivan (2020) also argues that DL models can provide understanding insofar as there is “empirical evidence supporting the link connecting the model to the target phenomenon” (Sullivan 2020, 18). The question would be, then, how faithful an interpretation needs to be to the actual behavior of the system to establish such a link.
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I am grateful to the audience of the workshop ‘Diversity of the Scientific Realism Debate’ in Tokyo, 2019, and CLMPST 2019 in Prague, where a part of this manuscript was presented, for the inspiring discussions and comments. I also thank the anonymous reviewers and the editors-in-chief for this journal for helpful comments to improve the manuscript. This work is supported by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) KAKENHI Grant (Grant Numbers: JP18K12178, JP 18H00604).
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) KAKENHI Grant (Grant Numbers: JP18K12178, JP 18H00604).
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Onishi, Y. Deep Learning-Aided Research and the Aim-of-Science Controversy. J Gen Philos Sci (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10838-023-09667-0
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10838-023-09667-0