A lack of empathy is related to some negative aspects of adolescent interpersonal functioning in the literature, such as bullying. However, the relationship between empathy and positive aspects of adolescent interpersonal functioning is less clear. Thus, this study sought to examine the association between empathy and positive components of peer relationships among adolescents. A scoping review was conducted to identify relevant literature and to provide a narrative overview of the identified studies. Three databases were searched (PsycINFO, Web of Science, and Sociological Abstracts). Subsequently, three reviewers independently analyzed articles to determine inclusion. Twenty-eight studies met inclusionary criteria. The aspects of peer relationships that were studied most frequently included peer attachment, social status (i.e., peer acceptance, likeability, social preference, and popularity), and friendship closeness or quality. The associations between empathy and some aspects of peer relationships among adolescents varied based on type of empathy and gender. Although inconsistencies were observed, the included studies often showed either a positive relationship or no relationship between empathy and positive peer relationship variables. In several studies, empathy was positively related to peer attachment and friendship quality or closeness, but not significantly related to popularity. Additional research is needed to further clarify these relationships. The results are integrated within a positive psychology framework examining the role of empathy as a potential strength in interpersonal functioning.
Most studies reported positive correlations or no correlation between empathy and positive aspects of adolescent peer relationships.
Greater friendship quality or closeness and peer attachment were often related to higher empathy.
Based on the reviewed literature, empathy does not appear to be a robust strength in interpersonal functioning among adolescents.
More research is needed to clarify the role of empathy in adolescent peer relationships and to explore youth’s perceptions of empathy.
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E.P.: Collaborated in designing the manuscript, co-conducting the review, and writing sections of the paper. S.P.: Collaborated in designing the manuscript, co-conducting the review, and writing sections of the paper. B.P.: Collaborated in co-conducting the review and writing sections of the paper. E.R.: Collaborated in designing the manuscript, provided feedback throughout the duration of the reviewing and writing process, and collaborated in editing manuscript drafts. K.B.: Collaborated in writing and editing manuscript drafts.
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Portt, E., Person, S., Person, B. et al. Empathy and Positive Aspects of Adolescent Peer Relationships: a Scoping Review. J Child Fam Stud 29, 2416–2433 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-020-01753-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-020-01753-x