Correction to: J Comput Electron (2021) 20:169–177

The original version of this article unfortunately contained a typographical error in formula (10), p. 175 on calculation of surface resistance.

Wave number \(k\) should be read

$$ k = \left( {1 - j} \right)\sqrt {{{\sigma \omega \mu_{0} } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\sigma \omega \mu_{0} } 2}} \right. \kern-0pt} 2}}. $$

In the Matlab code, this wave vector denoted as ksig, and it is calculated as the inverse value of skin-depth \(\delta\), then, there is no mistake in the code:

function [ZS] = SurfZ(f,sigma,t) %calculation of conductor surface impedance

%f-frequency in GHz

% sigma-specific conductivity of a metal, Sim/mm

% t-thickness of conductor, mm

global j

delta = sqrt(2/(2*pi*4*pi*f*0.1*sigma)); % skin depth \(\delta\), mm

ksig = (1 − j)/delta; % wave vector k, 1/mm

zsr = sqrt(f*pi*4*pi*0.1/sigma);

Z0M = (1 + j)*zsr; %surface impedance of a solid conductor

at = ksig*t;

ctg = cot(at);

ZS = - j*Z0M*ctg; % surface impedance of a fim conductor of the thickness t


Then, the typographical error has no any relationship to the calculation of loss in the modeled waveguide.

Author thanks A. Pantokratoras, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece, for discovering and pointing out this typographical error.