Correction: Journal of Academic Ethics

In this article, the Declaration statements were missing and should have been as shown below.

Biographical notes on contributing author:

Dina Zoe Belluigi is Professor of Authorship, Representation and Transformation in Academia at Queen’s University Belfast in Northern Ireland, and a visiting professor of the Chair for the Critical Studies of Higher Education Transformation, Nelson Mandela University. She is interested in the politics of academic participation, flourishing and freedom, and the related conditions of possibility for practicing academic agency. She has served as chair and as member of various institutional ethics committees at universities in South Africa, Northern Ireland and England. Email:

FormalPara Ethics Approval statement:

Ethical clearance was awarded by the Research Ethics Committee of the School of Social Science, Education and Social Work of Queen’s University Belfast (REF: 067_2021).

FormalPara Data availability statement:

The dataset of academic publications is not directly accessible due to copyright restrictions. Open access documentation relating to the outputs are available as Belluigi, D. (2020). Academic research responsiveness to migrants and ethnic minorities in Northern Ireland. Queen’s University Belfast. Due to the nature of professional risk for participating authors, the related qualitative dataset has not been published open access.

FormalPara Funding statement

Funding was competitively awarded from the British Academy and Leverhulme Trust (SG2122\210224), and from the ESRC Impact Acceleration Account of Queen’s University Belfast.

FormalPara Conflict of interest disclosure

The author declares that they have no conflict of interest in this study.

FormalPara Permission to reproduce material from other sources

Aspects of the original study report have been included herein. That report is authored by the same author as this text and the research assistant, and made accessible under creative commons licence by Queen’s University Belfast. It has been referenced appropriately within the text. However, the conceptual framework and thesis presented herein is an original contribution.

FormalPara Acknowledgements

Research assistance for the search, sift, categorisation of the publications was undertaken primarily by Yvonne Moynihan, with initial assistance for scoping provided by Dr Amanda Lubit. My thanks to the External Advisory Group, particularly Dr Mohammed-Albarra Hassan and Dr Toma Pustelnikovaite, for input into the research process; and to Dr Pustelnikovaite and Prof Knaus for feedback on drafts. My appreciation to the attendees of the 2023 annual conferences of African Scholars Association of Ireland (AfSAI) and the Society for Research in Higher Education (SRHE), for constructive feedback on the related papers I presented. The participation of the authors, research development officers and civil society organisations in this project was very much appreciated.

The original article has been corrected.