The solution to the problem for the acoustic-emission field of displacements in an elastic bimaterial consisting of two half-spaces generated by a time-harmonic given displacement of opposite surfaces of an internal circular torsion crack parallel to the interfacial plane is obtained using the method of boundary integral equations. The effect on the parameters of displacement amplitudes of different types of contact conditions on the interface plane—perfect mechanical contact and contact through a thin compliant gap, which is modeled using effective spring boundary conditions—is investigated. The effect on the amplitudes of displacements in space, the frequency of displacements of the crack surfaces, the ratio of stiffnesses of the bimaterial components, and the location of the point of observation of displacements are analyzed numerically. The effect of shielding dynamic displacements by a layer in comparison with their analogs for half-spaces with perfect contact is determined. A decrease in the displacement amplitudes (relative to the case of a homogeneous body with a crack) in the defect-free component of the bimaterial is found with an increase in the ratio of stiffnesses of the contacting materials.
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Translated from Prykladna Mekhanika, Vol. 60, No. 2, pp. 91–99, March–April 2024
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Stankevych, V.Z., Stankevych, O.M. Acoustic Emission in Elastic Bimaterial with Crack Under Different Contact Conditions on Interface Plane. Int Appl Mech 60, 203–211 (2024).
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