High-temperature equations of state for solid and liquid copper were constructed herein using experimental data on thermodynamic properties, thermal expansion, compressibility, bulk modulus and sound velocity measurements, supplemented with phase diagram data (melting curve). The totality of experimental data were optimized using the temperature-dependent Tait equation over a pressure range of up to 1000 kbar and over a temperature range from 20 K to the melting point for solid copper and to 3900 K for liquid copper. The temperature-dependence of thermodynamic and thermophysical parameters was described by an expanded Einstein model. The resultant equations of state describe well the entire set of experimental data within measurement errors of individual parameters.
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Kozyrev, N.V. Thermodynamic Properties and Equation of State for Solid and Liquid Copper. Int J Thermophys 44, 31 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10765-022-03136-4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10765-022-03136-4