1 Correction: Technology, Knowledge and Learning https://doi.org/10.1007/s10758-022-09620-y

Following the publication of the original article, these 3 references should be changed.

(1) Page 7

“but that they tend to align their theorizing with existing conceptual frameworks (Drake et al., 2015; Conole, 2015) identified ..”

These two references should be split:

“but that they tend to align their theorizing with existing conceptual frameworks (Drake et al., 2015). Conole, (2015) identified ..”

(2) Page 7

“discussion fora (Singh & Mørch, 2018; Engeness & Nohr, 2020) found that …..”

These two references should be split:

…discussion fora (Singh & Mørch, 2018). Engeness & Nohr, (2020) found that…..

(3) Page 8

“…(left out for review)”. reference to include (Langseth et al., 2021)

Figures: Following the publication of the original article, the Figures and Tables should be repositioned in the text.

(4) Page 4

Move Fig. 1 to between the paragraph ending with”, and online teaching and learning on open platforms took off.”

and before the paragraph starting with:

“In brief, the first groundbreaking Connectivist cMOOC…”

(5) Page 11

Move Table 2 to between the paragraph ending with …. “An outline and example of the process from interviewee statements to condensed categories is provided in Table 2.”

and before the paragraph starting with:

“The research project has been approved by the National Centre for the Handling of Research Data in Norway (NSD).”

(6) Page 16/17

Move Figure 2 to page 17 (chapter 4.2), after the paragraph that ends with: “The need to learn about instructional design in online environments to ensure quality and optimal use of learning resources.

and before the paragraph that starts with:

The informants (n = 6) typically reported on the need of an open platform, in contrast to the closed LMS to cover their needs:

PS! Also remove he “PS” in the caption.

(7) Page 26

Move Figure 3 from before to after the quotation: Insert Figure 3 before the sentence that starts with:

“In Fig. 3 above, we have summarized core elements in support for MOOC production resulting from the interviews (N = 17).

(8) Page 28

Move Table 3 (chapter 5.3) to after the paragraph that ends with: “The concepts are defined and discussed in terms of the role that support units concerned with MOOC entrepreneurial activities play in online Education.”

and Insert Table 3 before the paragraph that starts with:

“In the first scenario, support units often engage in top-down implemented technological infrastructures, where they contribute to individual digital competence development to maximize the effect of the investment.”

(9) Page 32

Move Figure 4 to after the paragraph that ends with:

“Moreover, concept formation, which is particularly fast in the entrepreneurial EdTech field, can support knowledge-building through pattern recognition (Siemens, 2004), such as in Fig. 4 below, where we have visualized our findings in a model for digital maturity that came out of the analysis in this study.”

Insert Figure 4 before the paragraph that starts with:

We have based the model on the systematization of well-known and researched concepts for digitalization and contextualized the model in MOOC entrepreneurship in HEI in Norway.

General comments on Table layout.

Table 1 is difficult to read: Is it possible to adjust the table to avoid the slim last column, putting it on the left margin, and move the heading on top? Also, to make some space between the headings Sample 1, 2 and the bottom line?

PS! Table 2 is difficult to read, since all the spaces have been left out and we have not used punctuations in the column for codes. Is it possible to modify the Table (cf. uploaded original?

Thank you in advance.