The study investigated the determinants of households’ choice of health care provider in Nigeria. Individual and household based questionnaires were used for the study. Using a multinomial logit model, the findings revealed that both distance and money prices are significant factors in discouraging individuals from seeking modern health care services but money prices was less important as a determinant of the choice of health care provider. And from the descriptive analysis, money price was a major reason why many low income households opted for the self-care option. Furthermore, the study showed that older people tend to patronize public and private hospitals.
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Amaghionyeodiwe, L.A. Determinants of the choice of health care provider in Nigeria. Health Care Manage Sci 11, 215–227 (2008). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10729-007-9038-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10729-007-9038-3