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Akira Ishikawa was born on April 20, 1934 in Odawara, Japan. He received MBA from the University Washington (1970) and Ph.D. from the University Texas (1972). Between 1972 and 1976 he was Assistant Professor at the New York University, where Mel Shakun met him. Here is what Mel says:

Akira, whom many know as Stoney, and I met in the 1970’s when we both were on the business faculty at NYU. From that time on, we were friends. In 1992, I asked Stoney to join the Editorial Board of the journal that at that time was being established. He served on the Board from the first journal issue.

You were a good colleague and a very likeable person. We think of you and of your lovely wife, Mina whom many of us know and who survives you.

Stoney’s service was not limited to Group Decision and Negotiations. He was a member of the editorial boards of many journals, societies, and corporations.

The GDN journal and the community will miss a friend and a good colleague. Participants of the group decision and negotiation sessions at the HICSS conference will remember Stoney as an engaging presenter and a friendly discussant. We thank Akira (Stoney) for his long commitment.