This collaborative research focused on assessing women’s perceptions and participation regarding environmental protection and developing entrepreneurship opportunities through suitability mapping in the study areas of Japan and Bangladesh to achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs). The purpose of this study was to apply the most feasible and applicable site-specific methods from the experience in Japan to build women’s capacity of entrepreneurship and ensuring environmental protection using geographical information system (GIS) in Bangladesh. A questionnaire-based survey and key informant interviews were conducted for the quantitative and qualitative assessment on sustainable agricultural practices and entrepreneurships of women living in villages in these two countries using a bottom–up approach. Sustainable agricultural practices relating to fertilizer and pesticides, deforestation, waste management and entrepreneurship capabilities of women were investigated in a model village, Nakagawa, located in the Tochigi prefecture in Japan. Information gathered from the Japanese women were used to encourage women’s participation on similar indicators at Hujuri-para village of Rajshahi district in Bangladesh. The research emphasized the suitability mapping of entrepreneurial opportunities at the micro-level, which could bridge between an entrepreneur production hub and consumers for empowering rural women. Selected criteria were considered in the multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA). The MCDA was incorporated with GIS for suitability assessment of the areas to initiate entrepreneurship hub for local women and stakeholders. The suitability map was developed and it was found that 33% of the areas of the Hujuri-para village in Bangladesh were most suitable for women entrepreneurs, whereas only 15% of Nakagawa village had the most suitable areas for extending entrepreneurship facilities. The Japanese experiences indicated the development of services and women’s involvement in a model village which could be implemented in Bangladesh. The bottom–up approach of this study is recommended for policy planning to promote use of locally available resources for entrepreneurship development in these two countries that can be executed by the local government for sustainable agricultural development.
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We would like to thank the respondents of Nakagawa village of Japan and Hujuri-para village in Bangladesh, for their valuable time and cooperation to make the project successful. In addition, we would also like to acknowledge the graduate students from the University of Rajshahi and University of Tsukuba for assisting with the project baseline survey and for providing training to the village women in Hujuri-para. This research was funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh. We express our gratitude to them. We would also like to acknowledge the contribution of the survey participants and city halls in Nakagawa village and Hujuri-para village, the LGED Bangladesh.
The study was supported by Bilateral Research Grant from Japanese Society of Promotion Science and University Grants Commission, Bangladesh of Basic Research. Author, Tofael Ahamed was supported by Bilateral Grants from JSPS (Japan) and Wardatul Akmam (University Grants Commission, Bangladesh).
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Ahamed, T., Noguchi, R., Muhsin, N. et al. Sustainable agricultural development: a micro-level GIS-based study on women’s perceptions of environmental protection and entrepreneurship in Japan and Bangladesh. GeoJournal 86, 2071–2103 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10708-020-10169-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10708-020-10169-5