Correction to: Geotech Geol Eng

In the original publication, Video abstract was published as supplementary information with incorrect description as,

“Adolescents with atopic dermatitis: does dupilumab improve their signs, symptoms, and quality of life? (MP4 3737519 kb)”

It must be published as Video Abstract with below description,

“This internationally-partnered Video Abstract highlights the findings of the research study, indicating that crushed waste glass (CWG) could potentially serve as a sustainable geomaterial and be used as a replacement for traditional construction sand to backfill granular columns in clayey soils for ground improvement, helping reduce the unsustainable exploitation of sand resources and increasing waste glass recycling, potentially supporting the paradigm shift to a circular economy and contributing to decarbonisation of the construction industry.”

The link to Video Abstract is

The original article has been corrected.