Correction: Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst

The authors wish to issue a corrigendum to rectify a quantitative error noticed in the results depicted in Figure 3, emphasizing that while the error requires correction, it does not undermine the overall discussion and conclusions presented in the study.

In this article, in section “Results”, under subsection “Experiment 2: Biochar effect on N2O emissions and crop yield under excessive N fertilization”, in second paragraph the values “51 and 33%” should have read “83 and 39%” and “14.9 and 48.8%” should have read “18 and 59%”. The incorrect and corrected version has been given below:

Incorrect version:

The co-application of B400 or B800 with urea at a low N rate produced an increase of 51 and 33% of the N2O emissions per kg of N fertilizer applied, as compared to fertilizing with urea alone. The N2O emission factors of the treatments are shown in Fig. 3. Fertilizing with excess urea, resulted in a 14.9 and 48.8% reduction in the N2O emission factor, with biochar use being an efficient strategy for the reduction of the emission factors, despite it being applied at a low rate (1.4–3.1 t ha −1).

Corrected version:

The co-application of B400 or B800 with urea at a low N rate produced an increase of 83 and 39% of the N2O emissions per kg of N fertilizer applied, as compared to fertilizing with urea alone. The N2O emission factors of the treatments are shown in Fig. 3. Fertilizing with excess urea, resulted in a 18 and 59% reduction in the N2O emission factor, with biochar use being an efficient strategy for the reduction of the emission factors, despite it being applied at a low rate (1.4–3.1 t ha −1).

In this article, the wrong figure appeared as Fig. 3. The incorrect and corrected Fig. 3 are given here.

Incorrect figure:

figure a

N2O emission factor (%) depending on treatment. Light blue bars depict treatments with a low urea rate (U), whereas dark blue bars show high N rate treatments (2U). B400: untreated biochar produced at 400 °C. B800: untreated biochar produced at 800 °C. Letters in brackets indicate significant differences between treatments from paired samples t test analyses (p < 0.05). The absence of letters indicates no significant differences. Data show average values ± standard deviations(n = 3)

Corrected figure:

figure b

N2O emission factor (%) depending on treatment. Light blue bars depict treatments with a low urea rate (U), whereas dark blue bars show high N rate treatments (2U). B400: untreated biochar produced at 400 °C. B800: untreated biochar produced at 800 °C. Letters in brackets indicate significant differences between treatments from paired samples t test analyses (p < 0.05). The absence of letters indicates no significant differences. Data show average values ± standard deviations(n = 3)