Correction to: Formal Methods in System Design (2022) 58:440–468

In this article on p. 451 the spacing inside the formulas below the sentence "Let stepl be the logical disjunction of the following two formulas:" is incorrect and some symbols overlap. The correct formulas reads:

$$\begin{aligned}&\bigvee \limits _{\langle q, \tau , q' \rangle \in \delta ^L} \big( {{\textsf{s}}}{{\textsf{l}}}_{q} \wedge \textsf{enbl}_{ \tau } \wedge {{\textsf{t}}}{{\textsf{l}}}_{\tau } \wedge \bigcirc {{\textsf{s}}}{{\textsf{l}}}_{q'} \big), \\&\quad \bigvee \limits _{q \in Q^L} \big( {{\textsf{s}}}{{\textsf{l}}}_{q} \wedge \!\!\!\! \bigwedge \limits _{\langle q, \tau , q' \rangle \in \delta ^L} \!\!\!\! \lnot \textsf{enbl}_{ \tau } \wedge {{\textsf{t}}}{{\textsf{l}}}_{\textit{idle}} \wedge \bigcirc {{\textsf{s}}}{{\textsf{l}}}_{q} \big). \end{aligned}$$

The original article has been corrected.