Kirill Evgen’evich Perepelkin – prominent scientist, honored scientist and engineer, Doctor of Technical Sciences, and Professor — passed away on February 14, 2011.

The name of this remarkable scientist is linked with important advances in polymer chemistry. He participated in teaching and training many generations of students and the preparation of Candidates and Doctors of Sciences. He authored a large number of publications, patents, and inventions. K. E. Perepelkin’s monographs have become desk references in Russia and abroad.

Kirill Evgen’evich was a member of many specialized councils and actively participated on a number of editorial boards, including the journal Kimicheskie volokna. For anyone who knew this wonderful man his death is an irreplaceable loss. The editorial board of this journal expresses deep sympathy to Kirill Evgen’evich’s family and close friends.

The editorial staff and board invite the board and K. E. Perepelkin’s students to participate in the publication of an issue of this journal dedicated to the memory of this remarkable scientist.