Correction to: Feminist Legal Studies

In the original publication of the article, errors in the production stages resulted in Vanessa Munro being listed as sole author. A note was subsequently added to recognise that, while Vanessa Munro acted as corresponding author, the article was jointly authored by the following members of the African, Indian and Scottish Feminist Judgment Projects: Martha Gayoye, Mateenah Hunter, Ambreena Manji, Miriam Matinda, Sharifah Sekalala, Rachna Chaudhary, Laura Lammasniemi, Shreya Munoth, Devyani Prabhat, Jhuma Sen, Gillian Black, Sharon Cowan, Chloë Kennedy and Vanessa Munro. The correct citation and attribution of the article should be as co-authored by all those named as contributors to the dialogue.