Bayesian optimal experiments that maximize the information gained from collected data are critical to efficiently identify behavioral models. We extend a seminal method for designing Bayesian optimal experiments by introducing two computational improvements that make the procedure tractable: (1) a search algorithm from artificial intelligence that efficiently explores the space of possible design parameters, and (2) a sampling procedure which evaluates each design parameter combination more efficiently. We apply our procedure to a game of imperfect information to evaluate and quantify the computational improvements. We then collect data across five different experimental designs to compare the ability of the optimal experimental design to discriminate among competing behavioral models against the experimental designs chosen by a “wisdom of experts” prediction experiment. We find that data from the experiment suggested by the optimal design approach requires significantly less data to distinguish behavioral models (i.e., test hypotheses) than data from the experiment suggested by experts. Substantively, we find that reinforcement learning best explains human decision-making in the imperfect information game and that behavior is not adequately described by the Bayesian Nash equilibrium. Our procedure is general and computationally efficient and can be applied to dynamically optimize online experiments.
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It is important to note that this difference metric is a directed, asymmetric measure. Wang et al. use a similar metric but propose using the average KL divergence (Wang et al. 2010), which can be expressed as \(I(\theta ) = \displaystyle \sum\nolimits _{i}^n p_i I(i;\theta )\).
Following the design by El-Gamal and Palfrey (1996), Player 2 is asked to make a decision even if Player 1 chooses Stop.
Wording as used in El-Gamal and Palfrey (1996). See Appendix for a more detailed description.
We closely follow the implementation of the Stop-Go game by El-Gamal and Palfrey (1996), where Player 2 makes a decision even if Player 1 chooses Stop.
In fact, we could construct the information surface for choosing the optimal design parameters only for a simpler two-player version of our game, and it took approximately 72 h on the following super-computing cluster: Four hundreds parallel R v.3.x jobs, distributed across 56-core x86 64 Little Endian Intel(R) Xeon(R) cpus (E5-2680 v4 @ 2.40GHz; L1d cache: 32K, L1i cache: 32K, L2 cache: 256K, L3 cache: 35840K).
All code is available at http://github.com/shakty/optimal-design.
Non-uniform sampling can be used when the experimenter has prior over the distribution of model parameters.
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The authors acknowledge Mahmoud El-Gamal for helpful correspondences and Stephanie W. Wang for useful comments on the design and implementation. This work was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research (N00014-16-1-3005 and N00014-17-1-2542) and the National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate Fellowship (NDSEG) Program.
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Balietti, S., Klein, B. & Riedl, C. Optimal design of experiments to identify latent behavioral types. Exp Econ 24, 772–799 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10683-020-09680-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10683-020-09680-w