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How are Time-Dependent Childbearing Intentions Realized? Realization, Postponement, Abandonment, Bringing Forward

Les intentions de fécondité sont-elles réalisées dans le délai prévu ? Réalisation, report, abandon, avancement

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European Journal of Population / Revue européenne de Démographie Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Our study aims to identify factors that facilitate or inhibit the realization of fertility intentions. The analysis uses data collected in the first two waves of a Hungarian longitudinal survey. Fertility intentions recorded at the first wave pertain to the subsequent 3-year period, just similar to the behavior variable measuring the realization of intentions, i.e., a birth within the 3-year period in question. For this analysis, we used the respondents’ demographic, socio-structural, and orientational traits recorded at the first interview. Our findings show that age, parity, and partnership play a determining role in the realization of fertility intentions, but employment status, religious affiliation, and overall life satisfaction all exhibit significant effects. A marked gender difference was detected not only with regard to employment status but in the area of values and orientations as well.


L’objectif de notre étude est d’identifier les facteurs qui facilitent ou inhibent la réalisation des intentions de fécondité. L’analyse s’appuie sur les deux premières vagues d’une enquête longitudinale menée en Hongrie. Les intentions de fécondité recueillies dans le cadre de la première vague concernent la période des trois années à venir, de la même façon que la variable de comportement mesurant la réalisation des intentions, à savoir, une naissance survenue au cours de cette même période. Les caractéristiques démographiques et socio-structurelles, de même que certaines dispositions personnelles recueillies lors du premier entretien ont été utilisées dans l’analyse. Nos résultats indiquent qu’à la fois l’âge, la parité, et la situation de couple jouent un rôle capital dans la réalisation des intentions et aussi que la situation d’emploi, l’appartenance religieuse et le niveau de satisfaction par rapport à la vie exercent une influence significative. Une différence prononcée entre hommes et femmes est mise en évidence en matière de situation d’emploi et également dans le domaine des valeurs et des dispositions personnelles.

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  1. Since we will not explore empirically intentions of family size (number of children), we do not discuss overlaps and differences of such concepts as “ideal number of children,” “personally desired” number of children, or “how many more children are you planning to have,” and so on.

  2. This division will also offer an insight into the individual process of postponement, even if this is not the primary concern of this article.

  3. About family support schemes and their relationship to fertility in Hungary, see Spéder and Kamarás (2008, especially Sect. 7).

  4. Perhaps opportunity costs have a stronger effect on the formulation of intentions.

  5. For instance, employment motivations differ as well: among those with a higher level of education, career perspectives dominate, while those with a lower level of education are more concerned with making a living.

  6. Ideal number of children; expected number of children (childless women); intention to have a second child; intention to have a third child; actual number of children.

  7. The analysis used satisfaction with the present as well as future expectations. The following questions were used: “Do you think in the next 12 months you and your family will live better then today or worse?; and “To what extent are you satisfied with your life in general at the present time?”.

  8. For more details of the concept and design, see Spéder (2001).

  9. Originally, 5,569 people belonged to this group, but we excluded those who were pregnant at the time of the first wave, men whose partner was pregnant at the time or those who said they could not have any more children. We also excluded those who responded with an “I don’t know” when asked about the timing of the birth of a next child. All excluded cases, n = 818.

  10. We excluded those who in 2004–2005 said they (or their partners) were pregnant at the time of the data collection.

  11. Of course we were not able to measure any changes in intentions between the two waves.

  12. We must note that 8% of this group switched to wanting a child in 2004–2005 (5.4% switched to wanting a child within 3 years) but we are not concerned with this type of intention change in this study as it is irrelevant from the point of view of our research aim.

  13. “How far are you satisfied with the course of your life so far?”—“How far are you satisfied with your future prospects?”—“How would you rate your present living conditions?”—“What do you expect your living conditions will be in five years’ time?”.

  14. Our analysis is not well suited to determine whether this is so, because jobless people get a job, and therefore bring forward fertility plans or because jobless people have children against their intentions—or perhaps because both scenarios are at work.

  15. Elsewhere, we included not only employment status and education in the analysis but income status as well, and the effect still persisted (Spéder and Kapitány 2007).


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This research was carried out as part of the project, “Fertility intentions and outcomes: The role of policies to close the gap,” supported by EU DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities (Contract Number: VS/2006/0685). The research was also supported by the grant under Hungarian Scientific Research Fund No. 49066. Many special thanks are also due to FERTINT participants, and anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments.

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Correspondence to Zsolt Spéder.



Table 5 Means and standard deviations of independent variables

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Spéder, Z., Kapitány, B. How are Time-Dependent Childbearing Intentions Realized? Realization, Postponement, Abandonment, Bringing Forward. Eur J Population 25, 503–523 (2009).

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