In a context of volatility in the oil price and with the impact of fossil fuels on climate change, the sustainable growth of the aviation is conditioned by the environment, economy and technical efficiency. In order to overcome these issues, new alternative fuels and biofuels could be an alternative to established technologies. In this study, a dynamical competition model for aviation fuel substitution has been developed. Investment and market factors are modeled by the Lotka–Volterra dynamical system for the substitution of fossil by alternative fuels. The model calculates the dynamics of Jet A-1, gas-to-liquid (GtL)/coal-to-liquid (CtL) and biomass-to-liquid (BtL) market shares up to the year 2030. In particular, the model looks at the use of carbon capture sequestration for GtL/CtL and the indirect land use change for BtL. Three main scenarios (high/low environmental incentives and business as usual) based on input data provided by the partners of the FP7 Alfa-Bird Project (2012) consortium were developed in 2012, and according to these scenarios, alternative fuels appeared to be competitive in the near term. Current collapse in oil prices, however, removes one of the key drivers that supported alternative fuel development in recent years: energy scarcity and security concerns, and as a consequence, it delays in this way the competitiveness of alternative fuels with respect to Jet A-1. This has been quantified in the present paper, and the respective conclusions were drawn.
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Prospective Outlook on Long-Term Energy Systems.
- BAU:
Business as usual
- BtL:
Biomass to liquid
- CCS:
Carbon capture sequestration
- cEF-D:
Centralized entrained flow gasification
- CSR:
Corporate social responsibility
- CtL:
Coal to liquid
Disability-adjusted life years
- DS:
Dry substance
- ETS:
Emission trading system
- FAO:
Food price index
Fully synthetic jet fuel
- F–T:
- GDP:
Gross domestic product
- GHG:
Greenhouse gas
Model of the global forest, agriculture and biomass sectors
- GtL:
Gas to liquid
- iLUC:
Indirect land use change
Intergovernmental panel for climate change
- JRC:
Join research center
- LCA:
Life cycle assessment
- LCI:
Life cycle inventory
Multi-criteria decision making
- PAF:
Potentially affected fraction
- PDF:
Potentially disappeared fraction
Prospective outlook on long-term energy systems
- SEA:
Socioeconomic analysis
- TtW:
Tank to wake
- Toe:
Tons oil equivalent with 42.6 MJ/kg
- WtT:
Well to tank
- WtW:
Well to wake
- CAPEx:
Capital expenditures, e.g., cost of investment in fixed assets
International Civil Aviation Organization
- GDP:
Gross domestic product
- HRJ:
Hydroprocessed renewable jet
Hydrotreated esters and fatty acids
Sustainable way for alternative fuels and energy for aviation
- Alfa-Bird:
Alternative fuels and biofuels for aircraft development
ValiDation of Radical Engine Architecture systeMs
- CFC:
- LUC:
Land use change
- LCT:
Life cycle thinking
- MJ:
- RED:
Renewable energy directive
- DLR:
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt
Intergovermental panel climate change
- HC:
High case
- LC:
Low cae
- LVC:
Lotka–Volterra competition
Operating expense
Million British thermal units
Prospective outlook on long-term energy systems
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Jovanović, A.S., Klimek, P. & Quintero, F.A. Forecast for the use of alternative fuels in aviation under environmental constraints and volatile market conditions. Environ Syst Decis 35, 521–531 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10669-015-9573-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10669-015-9573-2