In a study which examines the pattern of geography teaching at the Advanced Level in Hong Kong and assesses the relative effectiveness of didactic and enquiry teaching approaches that are used by the teachers concerned for the development of positive values towards the environment, the question was asked as to whether or not enquiry is more effective than didactic approaches for the development of environmental values, in both the short and long terms, for students as a whole and for students from different ability ranges. Questionnaire surveys and interviews were conducted to obtain data from students after they were taught a topic on people and the environment in the curriculum, with the approach chosen by their teachers. Results show that the enquiry approach was effective with the lower to medium ability classes in the short term but students who were taught didactically performed better in more areas in the longer term. The possible causes for this pattern are discussed and suggestions for improving the effectiveness of enquiry approaches in a high-pressure, examination-oriented classroom environment are offered.
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Yeung, S.PM. Teaching Approaches in Geography and Students’ Environmental Attitudes. Environmentalist 24, 101–117 (2004). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10669-004-4801-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10669-004-4801-1