Retraction Note to: Environ Monit Assess (September 2009) 156:257–273

DOI 10.1007/s10661-008-0482-4

This article has been retracted at the request of the Editor-in-Chief. A complaint received against it indicated that significant sections of the text showed a similarity with the authors own papers published previously. The two papers are:

1. Impact of street intersections on air quality in an urban environment, Mohamed F. Yassin, R. Kellnerovác, and Z. Jaňour, Volume 42, Issue 20, June 2008, Pages 4948–4963. Atmospheric Environment

2. Impact of height and shape of building roof on air quality in urban street canyons, Mohamed F. Yassin, Volume 45, Issue 29, September 2011, Pages 5220–5229, Atmospheric Environment

In addition, Mr. Mohamed F. Yassin published this paper in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment without the consent of co-authors Zbynek Janour and Radka Kellnerova. Given the copyright and authorship issues involved, the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment article in question is being retracted.