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Dr. John Hume is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Fisheries & Wildlife at Michigan State University. He received an MSci in Zoology and PhD in evolutionary ecology from the University of Glasgow. Prior to his current position, he was a Research Associate at Michigan State University. His position is funded by the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (GLFC) which, together with other management agencies and Michigan State University, form the Partnership for Ecosystem Research and Management (PERM). Through PERM activities, John primarily conducts research to inform the sea lamprey control program delivered by the GLFC and their agency partners (US Fish & Wildlife Service, US Army Corps of Engineers, and Fisheries and Oceans Canada).

John’s research interests are rooted in the biology and management of lampreys. Lampreys are a key part of freshwater and inshore marine systems where they regularly migrate to and from oceans and large lakes, providing nutrient subsidies to the headwaters of rivers and forming a prey base for a range of taxa. Lampreys are also negatively impacted by the same factors facing other migratory fish species; particularly severe are the impacts of habitat fragmentation, climate shifts, pollution, and overharvest. He has studied various aspects of their complex life cycle, including their development and growth as larvae, trophic ecology as juveniles, and spawning migration and movement tendencies as adults. Because of his broad interest in lamprey biology, he incorporates approaches from different biological fields, such as chemical communication, animal behavior, molecular ecology, aquaculture, conservation biology, and invasive species management. John has published more than 25 scientific papers and several book chapters.

John joined the Editorial Board of Environmental Biology of Fishes in 2023. He has served as a reviewer for a number of other journals, including Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, Aquatic Invasions, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Fisheries Management and Ecology, Journal of Great Lakes Research, Journal of Fish Biology, North American Journal of Fisheries Management, and River Research and Applications.