Previous literature highlights the potential of ICT use to enhance mathematical learning. There are also several theoretical arguments supporting that gifted education benefits from ICT use. However, empirical studies have paid little attention to the relationship between ICT use and gifted students’ mathematics performance. It is also unclear whether and why this relationship differs between gifted students and their peers. For the first time, we tested this relationship by using a large-scale multinational sample of 236,938 adolescents attending 10,213 schools in 44 countries in several contexts from the Programme for International Student Assessment Questionnaire (PISA) 2018. We estimated a hierarchical linear model (HLM) and found that only gifted students benefit from ICT use in mathematics learning. The higher their level of performance, the more beneficial ICT use is for gifted students. This relation is negative in the case of the rest of the students. Based on theoretical arguments, we also explain the likely reasons that lay behind this different relationship between gifted students and their peers. The findings illustrate that policymakers should consider a differentiated approach to ICT use at school depending on the students’ level of performance. Gifted students could benefit more from ICT use in learning and the rest of the students from teaching with more human interaction.
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The OECD explains in detail the sampling process of the participating schools and students. The samples of students in each participating country were obtained using a two-stage stratified procedure. In the first stage, schools, where 15-year-old students may be enrolled, were selected. A minimum of 150 participating schools were selected in each country. The probability of schools being selected was directly proportional to the estimated size of their (eligible) 15-year-old population. In parallel, other schools is chosen to replace those not wishing to participate. In the second step, 42 students were selected to answer the questionnaire in each participating school. All 15-year-old students in the school were selected if fewer than 42 were enrolled, always respecting a minimum of 20 participating students. Data quality standards in PISA required minimum participation rates for schools and students. This ensures that the possible bias resulting from nonresponse was smaller than the sampling error.
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Vargas-Montoya, L., Gimenez, G. & Tkacheva, L. Only gifted students benefit from ICT use at school in mathematics learning. Educ Inf Technol 29, 8301–8326 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-023-12136-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-023-12136-2