Education accountability and its building components has been the focal point and yet a convoluted issue. The current study aims to give a comprehensive account of indicators of education accountability in e-learning. To this end, this two-phase study was conducted on Iranian English as Foreign Language context. The first phase was qualitative in nature and aimed at identifying the indicators through conversation analysis of stored interviews with 9 distinguished English as foreign language teachers who hold online EFL teacher training courses in three different language centers in Tehran, Iran. Open coding and thematic analysis via Nvivo software on the interviews made the building blocks of the second phase of this study which was designing and validating a questionnaire for assessing educational accountability in e-learning. The researcher-made questionnaire was subject to reliability and validity issues. Therefore, the researcher-made questionnaire was piloted with 122 EFL teachers. The results of factor analysis indicated that factors loaded on accountability to teaching profession, to society, to student teacher, to teacher educators, to leadership, and to learning outcomes. The results also indicated that the present questionnaire enjoys sound and acceptable psychometric properties. The results have significant implications for teaching practitioners.
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Sorat, Z., Mohamadi Zenouzagh, Z. Designing and validating an assessment inventory for online language teacher education accountability. Educ Inf Technol 27, 2483–2520 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-021-10722-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-021-10722-w