This year’s symposium had two special and unique topics, each one of them with a broad range and far-reaching effect. These topics were: Correlation of structure and function, and Electrophysiology and low vision.

Correlation of structure and function

The field of electrodiagnostics is rapidly expanding. Improved computing power has expanded our ability to control stimuli and to analyze the biologic signals elicited by them. Similar trends are also affecting other areas ranging from biochemistry and genetics to imaging of the retina and brain. Natural, fertile areas of study are the overlap of these factors. Thus, we had invited papers by Aina Puce and Paul Sieving directed toward structure and function relationships in the cortex and retina. Additionally, we had several sessions related to imaging and electrophysiology.

Electrophysiology and low vision

Low Vision is a generic term for reduced visual function. Different countries and the United Nations may have different specific criteria, but the bottom line is that a large number of people, especially the elderly, are afflicted with conditions causing low vision. In the developed world, one criterion for identifying a patient as having low vision is when there is no medical or surgical treatment for the particular condition. Two of our invited speakers, Frans Riemslag and Kenji Yanashima, talked about the role of electrophysiology in identifying and categorizing these patients. Each of them described the very important role that electrophysiology can play in assisting in the categorization and classification of these patients.

In addition to the invited speakers on the symposium topics, William W. Dawson gave the Emiko Adachi Award Lecture on his research on naturally occurring age-related macular degeneration in monkeys. In addition, the Symposium had a number of free papers. We had more than 100 accepted abstracts, which were presented in nine Oral Sessions and three Poster Sessions. For ease in locating papers within sessions we have indicated the sessions and the session topics below.

Oral Presentation 1: Correlations of Cortical Structure and Function

Invited Lecture 1: Studies of Visual Social Cognition

Oral Presentation 2: Insight into Retinal Function—Animal Models

Poster A: Pediatrics/ERG and VEP Methods

Oral Presentation 3: Low Vision and Retinal Function

Invited Lecture 2: Rehabilitation in Visually Impaired Children

Oral Presentation 4: Evaluation of Toxicity and Visual Function

Oral Presentation 5: Frontiers in Electrophysiologic Testing

Oral Presentation 6: Optic Nerve and Glaucoma

Poster B: Retinal Diseases/ERG Methods

Oral Presentation 7: Imaging and Visual Electrophysiology

Invited Lecture 3: Low Vision Care and Electrophysiology

Oral Presentation 8: Retinal Structure and Function

Invited Lecture 4: Inner Retinal Sequelae of Outer Retinal Disease

Oral Presentation 9: Hereditary Retinal Diseases

Poster C: Electrophysiological Testing

Emiko Adachi Award Lecture: Maculas, Monkeys, Metabolism, Aging, and AMD

In addition to the Symposium itself, there were other learning opportunities in conjunction with the symposium. An active clinical cases session immediately preceded the opening of the symposium. Dr. Michael Marmor coordinated this activity as he has done in the past. ISCEV sponsors a day and a half course on Basic Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision, which is held prior to the Symposium. Dr. Graham Holder was the Course Director for this year’s course. In addition, this year there was the first course on Animal Electrophysiology: From Laboratory to Clinic, which was directed by Dr. Neal Peachey. The courses were held concurrently so that unfortunately there was no possibility for attendees to go to both. Both courses were well received. Unfortunately, their materials are not included in the abstracts as they are functionally separate from the ISCEV Symposium proper.

The ISCEV 2008 Program Committee

J. Vernon Odom

Monique J. Leys

Sandeep Grover

William H. Seiple

Jonathan S. Lyons

Daphne L. McCulloch