Correction to: Digestive Diseases and Sciences (2024)

In the original publication of the article, the author has incorrectly written serum biomarkers instead of plasma biomarkers in the article title and in Discussion section. These errors have been corrected with this erratum.

The Article title should read, “Correlation Between Plasma and Fecal Biomarkers and Patient‑Reported Outcomes in Patients with Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis” instead of “Correlation Between Serum and Fecal Biomarkers and Patient‑Reported Outcomes in Patients with Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis”.

In Discussion section under third paragraph, the sentence should read, “We were unable to determine an association between plasma and fecal biomarkers with PROs in the subset of individuals with perianal CD, due to limited sample size of 145 patients with perianal disease, and significantly missing CRP and FCP values.” instead of “We were unable to determine an association between serum and fecal biomarkers with PROs in the subset of individuals with perianal CD, due to limited sample size of 145 patients with perianal disease, and significantly missing CRP and FCP values.”