Correction to: Community Mental Health Journal

The original version of this article unfortunately contained errors in author’s affiliation, abstract and in text at few instances there are grammatical errors, and the sentences require re-phrasing.

The errors are as follows:

The authors Luis O. Lopez and Pascale Jean‑Noel are affiliated with Center for Practice Innovations, New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, NY, USA.

In abstract, the blinded text should read as The Center for Practice Innovations.

In section Case Study: Focus on Integrated Treatment (FIT), the sentence starting with “Challenges with targeted TA included…” should read as “Challenges with targeted TA included workforce lack of knowledge to deliver telehealth-based care, burnout and stress related to large careloads and staff illness.”

In section Case Study: Individual Placement and Support (IPS), the paragraph starting with “Site-specific training and consultations continued…” should be after the paragraph starting with “Over the past decade, IPS has provided learning…”.

In section Supporting a State Mental Health Authority, the word modules should be eLearning course.

In Discussion section, the sentence starting with “It is also noteworthy that CPI… “should read as "It is also noteworthy that CPI could shift quickly, because it had the existing infrastructure for remote training prior to the pandemic".

The original article has been corrected.