Maintaining habitat connectivity is crucial for maintaining genetic diversity and reducing the risk of inbreeding depression in numerous species. Human-modified habitats pose a threat to population persistence, particularly for amphibians that require both aquatic and terrestrial habitats and often exhibit low dispersal capacity. In this study, we investigated the genetic structure and variation of two sympatric newt species, Triturus cristatus and Lissotriton vulgaris, in an urbanized and agricultural landscape. Using a multiscale resistance modeling approach, we evaluated how landscape features affect gene flow in both species. Our results confirmed that the less abundant T. cristatus exhibited more genetically distinct demes than the more common L. vulgaris, which showed a more subtle structure. Additionally, levels of genetic variation were lower in T. cristatus than in L. vulgaris, but with a similar spatial distribution pattern across shared ponds. We found that the proportion of managed grassland in the study area played a major role in reducing the level of connectivity in both species. Furthermore, considering multiple spatial scales proved to be effective in improving the fit of the landscape resistance models, with the largest scale (900 m) providing the best fit. In T. cristatus, areas with low proportions of trees or high proportions of crop fields negatively affected genetic connectivity. Notably, resistance surfaces optimized for each species were highly correlated. The intensively managed grassland lacked the structural heterogeneity necessary for newts. Therefore, switching to a more traditional management approach in the landscape to increase spatial patchiness at the scale of dispersal would benefit both species.
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Data Availability
The genotypic data and non-smoothed rasters generated in this study are available in the Dryad Digital Repository https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.bk3j9kdhz.
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We would like to thank R. Van Heghe, A. Martens, K. Van der Aa, K. Van Laer, N. Van Hoyweghen, L. Verschaeve, A. Vanden Broeck and S. Neyrinck for their assistance in sampling. We are grateful for the support of the municipal environmental services of Temse and Kruibeke and for their assistance in informing the owners of the ponds of the sampling campaign. Specifically, we want to thank J. Mortier and E. van Vlassenrode to grant us access to the Mercator high-voltage substation of Elia, J. De Laender for providing official permission to sample the ponds in the provincial park Roomacker, and De Vlaamse Waterweg and all the other owners that kindly allowed us to visit their grounds multiple times. Finally, we like to acknowledge Natuurpunt for sharing data on the occurrences of the species included in this study from waarnemingen.be and from the Hyla-database (INBODATAVR-173). The constructive comments of two anonymous reviewers greatly improved the manuscript.
The authors declare that no funds, grants, or other support were received during the preparation of this manuscript.
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KC and RS conceived the study design. KC wrote the original draft. KC conducted the analyses. All authors conducted field work. AVB conducted laboratory work. All authors reviewed and edited the manuscript.
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The sampling permit ANB BL FF V19-00209-212 was provided by the Agency for Nature and Forest.
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Cox, K., Schepers, R., Van Breusegem, A. et al. The common ground in landscape effects on gene flow in two newt species in an agroecosystem. Conserv Genet 24, 807–826 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10592-023-01539-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10592-023-01539-w