There is an abundance of research demonstrating significant relationships between romantic attachment and sexual intimacy, which in this study refers to sexual communication and sexual satisfaction. However, not many interventions specifically and simultaneously target these two important aspects of romantic relationships. Furthermore, there are a lack of affordable and accessible psychoeducational interventions that provide opportunities for couples to gain basic knowledge about romantic attachment and sexual intimacy. To fill this gap, the authors of the current study took a 10-week, eight-session attachment-focused intervention (The Hold Me Tight Program: Seven Conversations for Connection), adapted it into a 1-day workshop, and focused on the role that attachment plays in sexual intimacy. Pilot data was collected to examine treatment feasibility, acceptability, and knowledge acquisition. In addition, exploratory efficacy data was analyzed with respect to changes in couple attachment patterns, sexual communication and satisfaction, and overall relationship satisfaction. Quantitative results revealed that participating couples showed increases in perceived knowledge acquisition and actual knowledge acquisition about concepts related to attachment and sexual intimacy. Qualitative and quantitative pilot data suggested movement in the expected direction for improvements in couples’ romantic attachment patterns, sexual satisfaction, sexual communication, and relationship satisfaction with a trend towards a statistically significant increase in sexual satisfaction.
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Morgis, B.L., Ewing, E.S.K., Liu, T. et al. A Hold Me Tight Workshop for Couple Attachment and Sexual Intimacy. Contemp Fam Ther 41, 368–383 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10591-019-09504-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10591-019-09504-x