Machine translation is traditionally formulated as the transduction of strings of words from the source to the target language. As a result, additional lexical processing steps such as morphological analysis, transliteration, and tokenization are required to process the internal structure of words to help cope with data-sparsity issues that occur when simply dividing words according to white spaces. In this paper, we take a different approach: not dividing lexical processing and translation into two steps, but simply viewing translation as a single transduction between character strings in the source and target languages. In particular, we demonstrate that the key to achieving accuracies on a par with word-based translation in the character-based framework is the use of a many-to-many alignment strategy that can accurately capture correspondences between arbitrary substrings. We build on the alignment method proposed in Neubig et al. (Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Portland, Oregon, pp. 632–641, 2011), improving its efficiency and accuracy with a focus on character-based translation. Using a many-to-many aligner imbued with these improvements, we demonstrate that the traditional framework of phrase-based machine translation sees large gains in accuracy over character-based translation with more naive alignment methods, and achieves comparable results to word-based translation for two distant language pairs.
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Some previous work has also performed alignment using morphological analyzers to normalize or split the sentence into morpheme streams (Corston-Oliver and Gamon 2004).
Null alignments can be represented implicitly with no span in \({{\varvec{a}}}_1^K\) covering the unaligned words.
Here we are specifically referring to a special case of ITGs with only a single symbol each for straight and inverted productions, which is also known as the bracketing ITG. ITGs with multiple straight and inverted terminals are also conceivable, but are generally not used in alignment as they significantly increase the computational burden of learning the ITG.
It is also likely that the look-ahead probabilities could be integrated into the auxiliary variable sampling function for slice sampling to improve efficiency while maintaining correctness guarantees, an interesting challenge that we will leave to future work.
It should be noted that we are not counting duplicate occurrences of substrings in a single sentence. This was a design choice to prevent the over-counting of one-character or very short strings that tend to occur many times in a single sentence.
Using the open-source implementation esaxx http://code.google.com/p/esaxx/.
The 100-character limit results in the use of somewhat shorter sentences than when using limits based on words. For example, using a more traditional limit of a maximum of 40 words on both sides for Japanese-English results in a total of 5.91M words of English, 2.7 times greater than when a 100-character limit is used. The 100-character limit was mainly for efficient experimentation in the character-based models, and we describe possible directions for raising this limit in the future work section.
This setup was chosen to minimize the effect of the tuning criterion on the comparison between the baseline and the proposed system, although it does imply that we must have access to tokenized data for the development set.
We also performed experiments in which we incorporated a word-based language model in character-based translation, but found that this consistently gave neutral to negative results, a similar finding to that of Vilar et al. (2007). We suspect that this is due to the fact that word-based language models assign a sudden, large penalty when a word completes, hurting decoding. In addition, the modeling of unknown words is not trivial, and while we provided a fixed penalty for each unknown word (tuned using MERT), a more sophisticated unknown word model is probably necessary.
Character-based BLEU and word-based BLEU showed similar relative gains.
These numbers were produced with a different version of Moses than the numbers in previous sections, so should not be directly compared.
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Neubig, G., Watanabe, T., Mori, S. et al. Substring-based machine translation. Machine Translation 27, 139–166 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10590-013-9136-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10590-013-9136-6