Turbulent characteristics in the atmospheric surface layer are investigated using a data-driven method, Hilbert spectral analysis. The results from empirical mode decomposition display a set of intrinsic mode functions whose characteristic scales suggest a dyadic filter-bank property. It can be concluded from the joint probability density function of the intrinsic mode functions that the turbulent properties are totally different under different stratifications: the amplitudes (or energies) are arranged according to the stability parameter for stable conditions, but tend to cluster randomly for unstable cases. The intermittency analyses reveal that second-order Hilbert marginal spectra display a power-law behaviour in the inertial subrange, and that the scaling exponent functions deviate from the theoretical values due to the strong intermittency in the stable boundary layer.
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This work was jointly funded by R&D Special Fund for Public Welfare Industry (meteorology) by Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Science and Technology (GYHY201506001), the Public Welfare Projects for Environmental Protection (201409001, 201309009), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41475007, 91544216) and The Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (20110001130010). This work was performed during a visit of the first author in LOG (Wimereux, France). The China Scholarship Council (CSC) is thanked for financial support for this study.
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Wei, W., Schmitt, F.G., Huang, Y.X. et al. The Analyses of Turbulence Characteristics in the Atmospheric Surface Layer Using Arbitrary-Order Hilbert Spectra. Boundary-Layer Meteorol 159, 391–406 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10546-015-0122-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10546-015-0122-9